I’ve been a group exercise instructor for twenty-four years. Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer, a defining experience in my life, and what led me to become a personal trainer.

My clients are all female, ranging in age from 18 to 80. It is my good fortune to be training several cancer survivors.  As a survivor myself, I know what they’re going through, how they’re feeling and what they should be doing at each stage of recovery. My goal is to empower the people I train to develop strength, self confidence and a “can do” attitude. I LOVE my job. Not a lot of people get to say that!


Personal Trainer, ACE (American Council on Exercise)
Group Exercise, AFAA (Aerobics & Fitness Association of America)
Continuing Education: Johnny G Spinning, Pound, Barre


Women, all ages
Functional training– training the body for the activities performed in daily life
Working with cancer survivors

A bit more about me

My husband Vinny and I live in Walpole. We have a midler at Northeastern and a freshman at NYU London. Besides personal training, I teach group exercise classes at The Vanderbilt Club.


Weekdays, evenings and Saturday mornings