GROUP EXERCISE PROGRAM Check out our A-Z list of Fitness Classes. We offer over 60 CLASSES A WEEK, in the pool, the studios, and in our spacious spin studio.

AQUA AEROBICS Invigorating workout that enhances cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance and flexibility using noodles and foam dumbbells. Environment is social and fun. No swimming experience required. All levels.
BARRE Lift, tone, burn! A full-body workout targeting the areas of hips, thighs, butt, abs and arms. There’s no strenous bouncing or jumping that would jar your joints. Each strength segment is followed by stretching to create long, lean muscles. Space is limited, sign up at front desk!
BODY BLAST High intensity fully body workout. All levels welcome.
CARDIO KICKBOX Combines martial arts and boxing drills to maximize caloric output while challenging your overall fitness level.
CARDIO MIX Cardio and strength wrapped up in one class. This workout creates lean muscle mass with weights and gets your heart pumping to improve cardiovascular capacity. All levels.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Quick, but intense bursts of physical activity paired with intervals of short rests. Some research claims this type of exercise nudges your metabolism up, causing your body to burn calories at a higher rate, even up to 48 to 72 hours after class!

MUSCLE A weight training class designed to sculpt and tone using a variety of resistance and stability equipment, including weights, balls and tubing. Variations of this class include Shred Muscle and Muscle Plus. All levels.
PILATES MAT Famous for developing strength, flexibility, stability and coordination, not to mention flat abs. Pilates is practiced by everyone from elite athletes to beginners. Additional props and tools are can be used to add variety and challenge. All levels.
SPIN This calorie-burning, lower body-strengthening workout will have you pedaling up hills, around bends over the flats to music and guided imagery. Bring your towel and water bottle. All levels can participate by adjusting the resistance on the bike’s flywheel. Sign up the day before to reserve your spot.
STEP A cardio workout done by stepping on and off a platform in a variety of patterns and tempos, all cued by the instructor. Step height can be adjusted to suit all levels of agility and cardiovascular fitness. If you love moving to music, you’ll love this class.
STRETCH Thirty minutes of guided stretching to increase flexibility and range of motion in your joints. Great for beginners, but all levels benefit.
VCORE Take off your shoes and try this signature class created by Kathleen Marvelli that will strengthen and sculpt your entire core. Her unique combination of yoga, Pilates and Barre moves keep this workout ever-challenging and loads of fun!

YOGA Integrate your body, mind and spirit practicing a variety of Asanas (physical poses) that flow slowly from one to the next with synchronized breathing. The moves incorporate balance, strength and flexibility. Additional styles include “Yoga Flex” and “Yoga Core.” All levels welcome.
YOGA SLOW FLOW This slower-paced practice allows time to explore the Asanas, and adapt to movement and breathwork. The poses help develop strength, balance and calmness. Great for beginners. Effective for all levels.
ZUMBA A Latin-inspired fitness class that blends red-hot music with contagious dance moves to create a party atmosphere. Fun and addicting!